As the inaugural president of the Bayou City Houston Chapter, it is my pleasure and privilege to welcome you to our website! Our chapter is an official chapter of National Women of Achievement (NWOA), Incorporated chartered on Wednesday, July 15, 2015, in the great state of Texas. As you surf our website you will experience highlights of our chapter, as well as learn about the various aspects of our purpose - to encourage youth, provide scholarship, inspire women, influence the community and improve the status of women. You will meet the influential Houston women who make up this great chapter each of whom brings unique talents and unprecedented attributes necessary as we embark on this fun-filled journey towards, “Excellence and Promotion of Achievement: The Key to Success.”
I encourage you to stay in touch with us by liking us on Facebook and visiting our website frequently.
Achiever Erica Milson
President, Bayou City Houston Chapter
National Women of Achievement, Incorporated
- Achiever Erica Milson - President
- Achiever Pamela Laster – 1st Vice President & Program of Work Chairperson
- Achiever Morgan Tuck – 2nd Vice President & Membership Chairperson
- Achiever Veronica Fahm – Recording Secretary
- Achiever Joyce Sisson Fransaw - Financial Secretary
- Achiever Simone Hutchinson - Treasurer & Budget & Finance Chairperson
- Achiever Jasmine Keeton – Parliamentarian & Bylaws Chairperson
- Achiever Montra' Adams – Chaplain & Hospitality & Courtesies Chairperson
- Achiever Veronica Fahm - Sergeant at Arms
- Achiever Pamela Laster - Youth Division
Message from
Our President
Chapter Officers
We are a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization